This instruction is about installing our official Linux driver of EW-7822UMX.

As of March 2024, the official Linux driver of EW-7822UMX on site support up to kernel v5.19.  We use Ubuntu 22.04 kernel v5.15 in this instruction.   The driver file name and the supported kernel version on our website may be updated. Please pay attention on the supported kernel and adjust below commands based on the driver filename accordingly.

First of all, please make sure the "Secure boot" is disabled in BIOS.  If you are not sure how to do that, you need to find out how to get into the BIOS settings of your computer.

Secondly, make sure your Linux has Internet access.

[1.]  Open a Terminal program from your Ubuntu OS.

$ uname -r 

This will verify your Ubuntu kernel version.

If your kernel is newer than the supported kernel, stop here.  This instruction will not work for you.

[2.]  Make sure your system is up-to-date and reboot it after updated/upgraded.  This step is optional but recommended.  Do the following under Terminal.

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade

$ sudo reboot

[3.]  Install the necessary files to compile and install the driver if they haven't been installed yet.

$ sudo apt install build-essential make gcc

[4.]  Install the kernel headers which is needed to compile the driver.

$ sudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)


[5.] Download the EW-7822UMX Linux driver on

Go to

Enter the model number EW-7822UMX in the Model No. Search box.  Click on the Search symbol.

Select the EW-7822UMX product.

Go to the Download tab.

Scroll down and look for Linux driver.

Download Linux driver.

The driver usually be downloaded in your /Downloads Folder.

[6.]  Extract the zipped driver.

Go to your /Downloads folder.  Right-click on the zip driver file, Choose Extract Here.

You will see a new folder called /EW-7822UMX_Linux_Driver_1.0.0.3.

Double click on /EW-7822UMX_Linx_Driver_1.0.0.3 folder.

Double click on the /driver folder.

Right-click on rtl8852BU_rtl8832BU_WiFi_linux_v1.19.3-45-g7583a804a.20230505 file.  

Choose Extract Here.

You will see a new folder called /rtl8852BU_rtl8832BU_WiFi_linux_v1.19.3-45-g7583a804a.20230505.

Right-click on the /rtl8852BU_rtl8832BU_WiFi_linux_v1.19.3-45-g7583a804a.20230505 folder

Choose Open in terminal.

[7.]  Compile and install the driver.

$ make

$ sudo make install


[8.]  Restart your system for the newly installed driver to take effect.

$ sudo reboot

[9.]  Plug in EW-7822UMX adapter to your computer if you haven't done that.

[10.]  Open Network Manager on the top right corner to make wireless connection.

[11.]  Congratulations!  The setup is completed!

Technical Support Team
Edimax USA

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Created:  2024-03-17  5:51 PM