This article is to show how to install the EW-7833UAC AC1750 USB 3.0 adapter on Raspberry Pi(RPi) running Raspbian Operating System(OS).  In this example, the Raspbian(9.9, Stretch) is running kernel version 4.19.42.

Please note that the instructions here are not for cross-compiling from another system.  If you want to do a cross-compile on another system, you need to look for the proper way and then transfer the driver to your RPi for installation.

Everything will be done in a Terminal program.  The commands are in green below.  The character '$' and '#' are just the prompt to indicate you're either a regular or the root user.  You don't need to include them with the commands, i.e. do not type them.  You should input the commands one at a time.

[1.]  Make sure your RPi is able to access the Internet.

[2.]  Open a Terminal program from your Raspbian OS.

[3.]  Make sure your system is up-to-date.  A reboot may be needed if the kernel has been updated.

$ sudo apt update

$ sudo apt upgrade

$ sudo reboot

[4.]  Install the kernel headers, which are needed to compile the driver.

$ sudo apt install raspberrypi-kernel-headers

$ ls /lib/modules/$(uname -r)

You should be able to see a build/ folder with the 2nd command above.  If you don't see it, something is wrong.  You need to check the installation one more time.  Here's an example.

If you use the command 'rpi-update' to upgrade the kernel from stable to 'bleeding edge' (a.k.a. testing), the 1st command from the beginning of this Step will not install the headers properly.  Therefore, you won't be able to compile and install the GitHub driver.  At the time of writing, there is no 'easy' workable workaround available.  So, try to stay with the stable kernel if possible.

[5.]  Clone the open source driver from Thomas Pircher's GitHub repository ( and then change directory.

$ git clone

$ cd rtl8814AU/

[ Note:  After 'rt' is a letter 'l' (like lemon), not a number '1' (like 1990).  And right after '88' is a number '1' (like 1990), not a letter 'l' (like lemon).  Typing them wrong will cause GitHub to prompt you inputting a Username and a Password, or saying repository not found. ]

[6.]  Modify the Makefile for Raspberry Pi architecture (ARM-based).

$ nano Makefile

[ Note:  nano is just my preferred Text Editor.  You can use any Text Editor of your choice, like vi. ]

Change the line #921 to the following:

from --> ARCH ?= $(SUBARCH)
to --> ARCH := arm

Make sure you save the file after the modification.

Please use either 7a or 7b but not both.

[7a.]  Compile and install the GitHub driver using dkms.

$ sudo su

# apt install dkms

# cp -R . /usr/src/rtl8814au-4.3.21

# dkms build -m rtl8814au -v 4.3.21

# dkms install -m rtl8814au -v 4.3.21

[7b.]  Alternatively, you can compile and install the GitHub driver manually instead of using dkms.  However, you may need to recompile and reinstall the driver if the kernel has been updated to a newer version.

$ make

$ sudo make install

To uninstall/remove the driver, use these commands and make sure you're still in the folder where you cloned the GitHub driver.

$ sudo make uninstall

$ make clean

[8.]  Restart your system for the newly installed driver to take effect.

$ sudo reboot

That's it!

If you would like to remove the driver, you can follow the steps below.

[A.]  Uninstall/remove the installed driver.

# dkms remove rtl8814au/4.3.21 --all

# rm -rf /usr/src/rtl8814au-4.3.21

# reboot


Technical Support Team

Edimax USA

Santa Clara, CA

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Created:  2017-05-24  12:28 PM

Modified:  2019-05-21 1:27 PM